Master This: Achieving Return on Content: A New AEC Blueprint

Master This: Achieving Return on Content: A New AEC Blueprint

A recent study by the B2B Thought Leadership Agency FT Longitude found that 88% of business leaders spend significant time researching companies before engaging with them. This and similar research show that the vast majority of decision-makers within your client organizations rely on your firm’s content to assess your innovative thinking, expertise in their specific issues and the quality of your talent – all long before the formal selection process begins.

But there’s a catch: With more and more firms publishing more and more smart, high-quality content, simply creating more/better content is unlikely to create a competitive advantage for your firm. You need a new blueprint!

This three-part series will introduce the next-gen content strategies and approaches designed for today’s AEC buying journey. You will learn how creating content that addresses your prospects’ and clients’ needs at all critical points in their decision-making process will grow your firm’s influence and reach and bring more best-fitting projects through the door.

Using research, data, and insights along with compelling examples, adaptable models, and useful checklists, this program will provide you with a practical roadmap you can put to work immediately.

Is your firm ready to transform content into business?

Session 1: Using Content to Win Business

The first session in the series will answer the fundamental questions about how using educational and thought leadership content as a business strategy directly contributes to your firm’s ability to attract and win more business.

 Session 2: Aligning Content to Today’s AEC Buyer Journey

The session will provide a comprehensive overview of developing content for different stages in today’s mostly digital and self-directed AEC buying process

 Session 3: Activating Content for Results

This final session will cover how to activate content to meet stated objectives, engage the right audiences and influence business decisions. From execution, publishing, distribution, promotion, and measurement, we’ll cover every aspect of making sure your content deliverables are primed to achieve a return on objective.


  • Understand the role of educational and thought leadership content in achieving your firm’s business objectives and accelerating growth.
  • Learn how to align content to every stage in the AEC buying journey, helping your firm reach, engage and convert the right decision-makers, faster.
  • Discover what makes educational and thought leadership content effective in today’s digital environment and how to ensure it’s easy for business decision-makers to find, access and consume your content.
  • Learn how to transform content into a strategic business function and create efficient content operations for your firm.

Ida Cheinman

Principal and Creative Director


Ida Cheinman is the principal and creative director of the brand strategy, design, and digital firm Substance151. Ida uses her 25 years of experience as a brand strategist, designer, marketer, and educator to help business leaders and marketing professionals make sense of trends, tools, and best practices in order to position their firms to win in the 21st century’s fast-changing and extremely competitive marketplace.


Using Content to Win Business
The first session in the series will answer the fundamental questions about how using educational and thought leadership content as a business strategy directly contributes to your firm’s ability to attract and win more business. We’ll cover: • How you can use content to influence firm research and selection process and drive preference. • The importance of aligning content strategy to your firm’s overall business strategy. • Why thought leadership is a must-have strategy for professional services firms. • What content gets (and holds) today’s business leaders’ attention. • How to establish systems and processes for operationalizing your content program. You must register to access.
Aligning Content to Today’s AEC Buyer Journey
The session will provide a comprehensive overview of developing content for different stages in today’s mostly digital and self-directed AEC buying process, including: • Best practices for developing research-based audience personas (and how GenAI can help!) the needs of your individual buyers that your content must address. • How to define the “sweet spot” between what your audiences want and need to know and where your firm can be seen as an expert. • How to determine what topics, formats and channels work best for each stage in the AEC decision-makers journey. • What types of content have been proven the most effective in moving ideal audiences from strangers to prospects to clients to repeat business. You must register to access.
Activating Content for Results
This final session will cover how to activate content to meet stated objectives, engage the right audiences and influence business decisions. From execution, publishing, distribution, promotion, and measurement, we’ll cover every aspect of making sure your content deliverables are primed to achieve a return on objective. • Understanding the most effective content formats for easy consumption in today’s omnichannel, multi-device, digital business environment. • Who should be responsible for content development within your firm. • How to mobilize everyone in content distribution and promotion. • How to use content more proactively and effectively for business development, lead generation and client management. • How and what to measure against stated objectives. You must register to access.