Master This- Active Career Planning for Personal Success


Every marketing and business development (BD) professional is on a career path. Planned or unplanned, marketing/BD careers in the A/E/C industries can be challenging or invigorating, frustrating or fulfilling.

No matter where they are in their career, professionals can develop career strategies that bring fulfilment and satisfaction. This career deep-dive program promises to help participants envision their professional future through the lenses of reflection, assessment, and execution.

Each module will include opportunities for individual thought, brief lectures with examples and case studies, and behavioral exercises and group discussion. There will be handouts that provide immediate learning, brief activities between sessions, and exercises to engage the career planning concepts.

Participants who work through this program will have new insights and tools that will guide them with more confidence along their career path.

Barbara Shuck, FSMPS, CPSM


Everest Marketing Services, LLC


Session 1: Where am I? The Value of Reflection
Many professionals are searching for transformation. How do I get from here to there? What do I need to know, who can help me, and how can I avoid hidden pitfalls to achieve success? This module sets the foundation and introduces a useful tool to create a career journey map. With this insight, marketers and business developers will see how hundreds of decisions have put them to where they are now. Participants at all stages in their careers will benefit when they see a detailed view of their current situation. The post-session activities will allow them additional time for deep reflection so they’re prepared and excited for the next step: The Commitment of Assessment. You must register to access.
Session 2: How Did I Get Here? The Commitment of Assessment
What gets measured gets managed. Assessment is our process to evaluate the quality, ability, extent, or significance of our experiences on the path, not the path itself. Many marketers and business developers neglect this important step, and seem to focus only on what’s ahead and what it takes to get there. Just like a company’s business plan, it’s important to address the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to provide an informed framework to make better decisions and set realistic goals. For an individual, it’s critical to take time to see your career with perspective gained from candid feedback, as well as acceptance of successes, failures, aspirations, and obstacles. We will learn about a process to identify areas of concern as well as pinpoint personal values to spark future success. The post-session activities will involve developing an individual career journey assessment scorecard. You must register to access.
Session 3: What’s Next? The Power of Execution
Marketing and business development professionals who embrace their path with a renewed sense of individual responsibility will find strength in the unexpected and opportunity in detours. Good planning is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. The problem is, life happens, companies change, economic forces intrude, and our smart plans are not 100% within our control. In this module, attendees will develop an enduring method that withstands the ebb and flow of life circumstances. We’ll investigate the four strands of agility, grit, endurance, and resilience, which woven together help us master situations that arise. Our final exercise is a planning method that’s designed to be dynamic and adaptable. In the end, participants at all phases of their careers will have a sense of professional and personal purpose that leads to a lifetime of success. You must register to access.