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  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    Have you ever encountered staff members who just won't do what you need them to do? If you've faced this challenge, this course is here to help. This program is filled with surprising and thought-provoking insights into why non-compliant behavior occurs, along with practical strategies to achieve the desired behaviors within your organization.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    Join Bolanle Williams-Olley, CFO of Mancini Duffy, in "The Crash Course to Mastering Budgets: From Planning to Performance," a dynamic session designed to enhance your budgeting skills. Perfect for creatives, managers, and financial enthusiasts, this course simplifies budget creation, monitoring, and adjustment processes. Bolanle's expert insights will transform your approach to budgeting – elevating it beyond mere numbers to making it a strategic and exciting component of your business strategic toolkit.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    Email marketing is the kingpin when it comes to B2B lead conversion. It’s the steadfast companion that guides prospects through lengthy purchase cycles, but it’s gotten a bad rap over the years thanks to a flood of spam and cutthroat competition for people’s fleeting attention. In this session, Michelle Calcote King shares best practices for building and nurturing a strong email program that drives referrals.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    Design is a communication tool and when we communicate, we tell stories. But are those stories unforgettable and high impact? Often, what’s missing from those stories is a clear narrative arc that connects and moves the audience. Making the emotional connection and demonstrating impact is what differentiates leaders and their work. Through a series of prompts and interactive exercises, participants will develop the seeds of unforgettable stories that will move and delight their audiences – whether they hope to reach an award jury or their next client. These tools to identify narrative will enable participants to develop winning proposals, pitches, and award submissions.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    For many A/E/C professionals, business development isn’t the number-one priority. Project deliverables and deadlines, as well as the need to build business, never go away. Wouldn’t it be great to have additional resources to help provide insight, improve efficiency, and manage lead generation? Join us for our April webinar, where our presenter will equip business developers with the knowledge and tools needed to be more efficient. During this online session, discover how to effectively integrate AI into your BD strategy.